Friday, 2 July 2010

An amazing experience & breakthrough

Hi everyone

I just feel that I have to share this amazing thing with you all, however in the interest of client confidentiality and in adherance to my Coaching Code I will refrain from identifying the person(s) involved with this event.

Over the past 3 years I have been coaching a lady who came to me with very low self worth, a "poor me" complex and more recently confirmed as having BiPolar disorder. This coaching has proved a real test of my skills, there have been some mistakes, some harsh words and some laughs along the way, BUT more importantly a great deal of progress has been made.

Not the least of her perceived problems, but one that has been given a high level of importance by her is the situation concerning a child that died very early in life and his burial in an unmarked plot in the local cemetery approximately 14 years ago.

She has been carrying a huge pile of guilt around with her, often refusing to discuss the siuation and stating that she had no idea whereabouts in the cemetery the baby was buried.

On the rare occasions that she would talk about the child she often stated that she blamed herself for everything surrounding his death and burial and regularly reproached herself for not acknowledging him, which equated to feelings of bad motherhood.

Anyway, last night this client visited and we spent a large portion of her visit talking about this child and her wanting to "make her peace with him"...........

......eventually shortly after midnight she said that she knew where the plot was and that she wanted to go to visit him...........

amid much hesitation and self doubt she decided that the visit was going to go ahead, so we got into the car and made the short drive, through the pouring rain, to the cemetery.

The gate was open and, although she hesitated, we walked inside. She led the way to the "children's corner" and across the grass to where she stopped and said "this is it!" Even in the rain I could tell that she had tears streaming down her face and she soon ended up sobbing uncontrollably.

After about 20mins she calmed down and Alison and I withdrew a short distance and left her alone, admidst the short bouts of sobbing we could hear her talking and then she knealt on the ground and tidied some of the weeds around this tiny plot of land.

Again a few more minutes went by and then she stood and came over to us, we hugged and she said that she was ok, that her tears were now tears of joy, she had made her peace with her son.........

After we arrived back at the house, we raised a glass to toast her son, then hugged some more until I took her home.

I am so privileged to have been a witness to such a wonderful event in this woman's life.

I have shared this story with you because I know that you will probably be touched by this as I was.

You can heal old wounds, just as my client has done, even after many years of guilt and denial. Because she has gone through this process she will now move forward along a new pathway that, during those few moments in the rain, she created for herself.

Life a life of love and passion and remember

Don't predict the future - CREATE IT!
