Thursday, 24 September 2009

Pathway to Change (part 1) Purpose.

We all know that whenever we set out on journey there has to be a reason to make that journey. Even if it is your intention to travel round in circles and go nowhere in particular then that is what you must set out to do.

But generally speaking it is pointless to just get into you car, get onto your bike or set off walking because doing that will mean never arriving.

Let us say that we intend to go and visit a friend in London on Saturday next now we are getting somewhere.

We now have a reason to make the journey - the journey has a "purpose" and because we have now given ourselves this reason we are well on course to make it happen.

BUT this is not the only example of purpose...........

We may decide that we want to "spend some money" just because we feel like it - what is our "purpose" here?

Well it may be psychological - a lot of us (particularly those who are female) say that going shopping is a therapeutic activity however since this is a major generalisation I would also add that there are other women who say that they do not use the shopping experience as a mood lifter, preferring to only "shop" when in good spirits. I would also like to qualify that the term "shopping" in this context refers to an activity other than grocery shopping or heading out to purchase white goods or similar - but I digress from my discussion.

It is on the basis of this that I offer a conclusion that in certain cases, the purpose for the activity of "shopping" is to provide therapy and to create the "feel good" factors as a way to achieve happiness or escape from drudgery or upset.

Secondly our purpose in "spending money" may be to purchase something that we feel will enhance or improve our life or lifestyle in some way. Therefore the purpose of the activity is to move forward from where we are.

On a totally different, physiological level even those actions that we consider automatic and unthinking, must follow the same rule of purpose -

Consider breathing. The purpose is to intake in air to oxygenate our blood and to exhale carbon dioxide from our bodies.

Consider our heart beating. This is something we never think about, but its purpose is to pump the blood supply round our bodies

So in summary, moving from one place to another, always requires a "purpose" and it is just the same with making changes in our lives

Change = Movement and therefore Change requires PURPOSE

I hope that you have enjoyed this first part of the Pathway to Change programme and that you will keep an eye open for the next part in a couple of weeks.

Until then

Don't predict the future - CREATE IT!

Have fun
