Monday, 4 October 2010

Motive, Objective, Movement

The process of changing your life is dependent on 3 main steps. These steps are the same whatever the changes you intend to make, and they are the same for everyone. It makes no difference if the change is to include an exercise routine, to lose weight, to give up smoking or to change your job.

So I have come up with an easy way to remember this

“When you want to make a change you should always consult your MOM”

What does this mean?

There are 3 steps that everybody must take in order to make a lasting change in their life and this is what they are

Step 1 – you have to have a Motive
Step 2 – you have to have an Objective
Step 3 – you have to have Movement

Now we know what steps you have to take to make a lasting change let us take a look at what each one is and how to do it

Step 1 - Motive

Before any change can take place you have to create the Motive. This is the reason why things have to be changed. If you don’t have a motive then any changes will turn out to be simply - dreams. You will probably say stuff like

I really should pack up smoking OR
I really should lose some weight OR
I really should look for another job OR
I really should change my life.

All those should statements mean that the change you are talking about is very unlikely to happen. It is simply a “should” and shoulds are by their very definition tentative things. Here I am going to make a major assumption - anyone who is reading this blog or listening to the broadcast knows that tentative things are just as likely to be ignored and therefore remain undone.

The only way to make these shoulds become cast iron motives is to make them so important that they are going to become painful if they are not done.

How many times have you stopped doing something because you have hurt yourself – let us return for a moment to the days of our childhood –

As children we all like to take risks be a bit adventurous, push the boundaries, it is part of the growing up process. And we will continue to push it even if our parents warn us to “stop doing that because you will get hurt if you carry on” or as my mum often used to say “there’ll be some rain after all this wind”

Eventually something drastic happens, and, depending on the thing we are doing, we could cut ourselves, take a tumble and so on. The ultimate result being that we hurt ourselves –

Now we make a decision - do we do it again or do we learn from it.

In other words the painful result of our action created the change within us.

Now let’s come to the present – suppose we want to lose weight. All too often we make the noises about losing weight but do we actually do it?

I’ll bet more than 75% of you said “no” to that question

BUT if you were to take a long hard look in the mirror, or to read the statistics about obesity and take note of you BMI and realize that you are morbidly obese, or discover that the dress you bought a week ago no longer fits you. Then any of these can provide the pain that gives you the Motive to move forward with the weight loss.

The next step to look at is

Step 2 - Objective

So now in whatever way we have identified the Motive, our reason that we are going to take the steps necessary to achieve the desired outcome – be it giving up smoking, losing weight, changing job etc.

We need to set ourselves the Objective – this is another name for the goal.

In order to make the goal a solid object - to do this we need to identify exactly what it is we are working towards –

It is not good enough to set the objective as being “I want to lose some weight” or “I want to give up smoking”. These statements are far too wishy – washy, we need to firm them up with something way more specific

For example

“In 6 months time I want to have lost (you must be realistic here) 10lbs excess weight and to feel fitter because of it”

You will note my comment about being realistic!
It is no use saying that you want to lose 42lbs in 3 months if you know that you your lifestyle will not enable you to lose the necessary 3.5lbs per week.

It is far better to set an achievable target and then be able to move forwards to the next target than to set an unrealistic target and fall by the wayside because you cannot keep up.

If it is your motive or intention to give up smoking (now I know that there are people who become sufficiently motivated to give up immediately) by reducing from 20 cigarettes a day to 15 cigarettes a day to 10 cigarettes then 5 and then zero then that far better than saying “that’s it I have stopped smoking” only to restart an hour later.

The objective is the long term plan this is what I want to achieve – You can write this down in huge great letters and pin it up all over your house in order to re-enforce your objectives.


It is really not sufficient to have Motive and Objective to be really really certain that you are going to make the changes you require you must have the Movement

Step 3 – Movement

Movement is the result of taking action

You can plan your objective with absolute military precision but unless you do what is necessary to make it happen, then sorry, but it is doomed to fail.

So how do you equate movement to the chosen project – does it mean starting a new exercise regime, does it mean taking up a hobby to occupy yourself or something else?

Often it can be a simple step that begins to create the momentum required to carry you and your plan forward

For example –

Maybe you choose to make a phone call that will put you in touch with someone who can assist you in a part of the plan but then having made that phone call you decide that because you have made one call, it wouldn’t do any harm to make a second and a third and so on.

Maybe you choose to read a chapter of a book that will give you some insight into things to do, and having read a chapter you go on to read another two

Either way you have begun the movement section and have taken steps towards your Objective.
By now it will have become apparent that taking action is crucial to achieving your objective and the bigger the action the more you will move ahead.

In other words to get the biggest benefit from your MOM

Know what you want
Know why you want it
Take huge action to get it


So in conclusion the only way things can ever change in any person’s life is by action being taken. Sometimes this action is the result of conscious decisions we make and other times the action is “forced upon us” by external forces, but the net result is that things WILL change.

If you want to make permanent positive changes in your life then

“You should always consult your MOM”

Until the next time we speak live a life of Passion and Power and remember

Don’t predict the future – CREATE IT!


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