Wednesday, 7 October 2009

October 7th 2009 Update

Hi to everyone who is reading this.

We have just returned from an absolutely wonderful week in Bulgaria, during which time Alison and I considered the various businesses we run and decided what we need to do to push them forward to the next level. It was a time for clarity of thought and here are the results -

1. Altered Image - continues to go "on the road" but also expands into research about and work with people with Phobia problems.

2. The Big Blue Sky Company - continues to develop its Introductions to Innovation course

3. Coaching Radio - the launch of the Internet station is deferred until the PODCAST side is working properly

4. Changing Times - investigations are now under way to broaden the geographical centre of operation and we intend to look at ways to develop and promote in Exeter and Taunton alongside North Devon.

5. Candar Care - is operating nicely and has just gained another client.

6. Lunar-c Productions - the entertainment and media company is actively seeking new clients and we plan to create more openings for commercial photography during the coming months.

7. AIMS Project - the music foundation has now identified the areas in which it proposes to set up its activity. There are 2 city schools in Sofia both of which I intend to approach with a proposal that AIMS gets involved with their music tuition. The initial plan being an offer to purchase and deliver a selection of musical instruments. If the offer is accepted the first of these will be delivered in March / April 2010 when Alison and I visit Bulgaria again.

If anyone would like to become involved with the AIMS Project then please check out the details by visiting our website and clicking on the Silver button marked AIMS project.

So there are major changes under way, the new website is practically ready and I am so excited about that and with the AIMS developments on the horizon in Bulgaria these are truly wonderful times.

Keep an eye out for information about the launch of the PODCASTS very soon.

So for now I will sign off with a very important quotation that came from one of my own personal sources of inspiration and aspiration Tony Robbins and he says

"I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich."

Until the next time remember

Don't predict the future - CREATE IT

Take care and have fun


PS I need MORE followers, just sign up as one, it doesn't hurt, and you might just enjoy reading the blog pages earlier than others.


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