Monday, 12 October 2009

Pathway to Change (Part 2) Outcome

In Part 1 of Pathway to Change we discussed "Purpose" as an important part of the change process. This week we will consider the "Outcome" of the process.

Outcome is Knowing What You Want. It is very difficult to achieve what you want if you have not identified what it is. Ask yourself "What is my outcome in this situation?" instead of asking "What should I do?"

If you ask what you should do you are most likely to end up with a whole list of things to do. As you do these things and you delete them off your list, you are not necessarily going to be achieving anything that matters. However, if you ask "what is my outcome" you can decide what you need to do to achieve your required outcome.

It is probably a good thing to make a habit of asking the "What is my outcome" question. If you are in the middle of a conversation that seems to be going nowhere in particular, ask yourself what outcome you want - do you want to learn, influence, connect?

Once you have clarity about what the target of the conversation is there will be a shift in your behaviour. You will change your approach to get what you desire from the conversation.

The clearer you are about what you want the more you can succeed - CLARITY IS POWER.

In order to illustrate this let us consider the example of a guided missile - it is launched with a specific purpose to seek out and destroy, the outcome will be the destruction of the target. Prior to launch the missile is aimed at the target. Once airborne it will seek out and lock on to its target. Wherever and whenever the target moves the missile will follow and ultimately the target will be destroyed.

The brain is similar to the missile - when you decide exactly what you want you will tune in to and pick up all relevant information that you would not normally notice in every day life. Your brain will work to "lock onto" your target and make whatever moves are necessary to enable you to hit that target.

Ask yourself this question. If you are considering buying a new car, and you know what model and colour you want, how many times do you see examples of that car? Have they suddenly appeared? - NO they were there all the time, it is simply that you have identified that as a target, your brain has locked on to that target and is now providing you with all relevant information about that target.

This brings us to the end of this section on the Pathway to Change. In the next part we will look at the Strategy that we need to put into place and the ways to achieve the required change.

Have a great day and remember

Don't predict the future - CREATE IT!


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