Sunday 18 April 2010

The Saturday Message


Only a quick post today to say that I have added a new video called "The Saturday Message" to the Facebook Group page. Follow this link to take a look.

Will post again very soon but in the meantime, build yourself a fantastic day and remember

Don't predict the future - CREATE IT!


Wednesday 7 April 2010

I have not disappeared............

Hello and welcome to everyone. Contrary to popular belief I have not disappeared or been swallowed by a whale, crushed to a pulp by a giant chrysanthemum or any other such ghastly fate.

I have, in fact, been taking a much needed break away from it all in the middle of Bulgaria. But, as you will know I am not one to stand still and so whilst there I managed to collect a new client and am busy working on the new proposals that we intend to put into play to pull them from a no win situation through a some win situation and on to a full win situation.

The lack of business being generated by the people concerned has created a "can't see the wood for the trees" situation, and that my friends is "right up my street".

As most of you will already know (unless you are currently deaf, blindfolded or just not paying attention, Tom and I are working on a new project entitled Solution Based Thinking. and lo and behold an opportunity presented itself to test the theories.

So it is now very much - work in progress

The other exciting stuff that is going on is that I am learning about a new concept - Every Day Is Saturday.........I can choose to make every day great, just like a saturday. Yes, I have work to do, but treating it like something to be enjoyed makes the days go by so much smoother and yes, that way, Every Day Is Saturday.

If you want to check this out for yourself give me a call and I will put you onto the same track as I am on.

So take care of yourself, live life with passion


Don't Predict the Future - CREATE IT!
